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Acacia Design Consultants


  Brand News September 2011

Mama Lemon celebrates 30 years with GoldLion Mama Lemon Dish Washing Liquid Packaging Design

To celebrate over 30 years with Mama Lemon Dish Washing Liquid, Mama Lemon is elated to launch the new variant Lemon Gold, under the new Super Degreasing range. Also launched is the refreshed packaging for the anti-bacterial range. The packaging design is developed by Acacia Design Consultants. Mama Lemon Dish Washing Liquid is part of Lion Corporation's comprehensive range of products. For more, visit Lion Corporation's website at

wins CozyCot Holy Grail AwardChocoMarvel Packaging Design

ChocoMarvel is set to revolutionalise the Menstrual Health Foods Category. Only recently launched, It has been heating up forums and blogs, picking up the 2011 Cozycot Holy Grail Beauty Award for Favourite Menstual Health Drink in the process. ChocoMarvel differs from traditional menstrual pain relief products by combining a rich chocolate drink with natural plant extracts that are selected to manage various symptoms and discomfort with no worries about side effects. The packaging was designed and developed by Acacia Design Consultants. For more information, visit ChocoMarvel's website here.


About Acacia Design Consultants

Distinctiveness, Relevance & Consistency - be it MNCs or SMEs, these are the building blocks to
successful branding and design in our increasingly cluttered global market place of products,
services & promises. In line with this philosophy, Acacia adopts strategy that help brands - be they
local, Asian or international - appreciate in equity and create value for stakeholders. Our services
include Corporate & Environment/Retail Branding, Packaging Design, Advertising & Promotions, as
well as Web Development.

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